Linang is the official online learning platform of the Development Academy of the Philippines. It hosts the different training programs of the Academy from short courses to certification programs.
Check our training calendar for the year on the DAP website at You may also check our social media pages for announcements. Please note that only some DAP courses are currently hosted in Linang and not all Linang courses are available to the public. It is best to coordinate directly with the training host or coordinator of your course of choice for more information.
Click the Register button found on the upper right side of your screen and fill out the form. New accounts are created every Friday. You will receive a notification once your account is created. Just follow the instructions that will be sent to you in your email.
Training fees vary depending on the course. Likewise, Centers may have different qualifications and procedures for enrollment. After your Linang account is created, you may contact your training host or reach out to us by sending us an email or clicking on the Contact Us tab found on this page for clearer instructions about enrollment.

The duration of a Linang course can vary widely depending on the type of course, the Center offering it, and the level of study. Here are some general guidelines for different types of courses:

    Short Courses and Workshops:
  • Duration: A few hours to a few weeks.
  • Example: A weekend coding bootcamp or a two-week writing workshop.
    Certificate Programs:
  • Duration: A few weeks to several months.
  • Example: A six-month certification in data analytics.

For specific course durations, it is best to check the course details, which can be found when you click “See more” in the course card.

Yes, Linang is available for mobile use. Links to the Google Play Store or Apple App store can be found at the bottom of this page. If you download your course content and activities, you will be able to access your enrolled courses offline through the app.
Already a student? Download the Linang student guide here.
Last modified: Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 10:59 AM